Monday, September 29, 2008

His Full Potential

Sunday morning we woke up early and headed for church. During the service I noticed Misha writing something to David who was sitting beside him. Thinking he might be needing something, I asked Hannah to look up what he had written in our translating book. She discovered he had written “Esther” in Russian.Then he proceeded to write her name in English

I smiled, and then watched in amazement as he wrote, David, Matt, Stephanie, Melissa and Philip, all in English. I couldn’t believe it. He then pointed to a word on the bulletin and whispered, “Welcome”. Sure enough, that is what the word said.
I sat there praising God in my heart for opening all the doors so that Misha could come to us. Sitting beside me was a young man who months earlier felt he had no hope. I have realized that there is a brilliant mind packed inside his disabled shell. I can’t wait to help him out so he can reach his full potential!!!

1 comment:

busymomof10 said...

That is Amazing! I can't believe how quickly he is learning English!!